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I am much better at public speaking than keeping websites up to date – but hopefully this is a helpful sample 🙂

  • BioTechX US, Improving accuracy and efficiency leveraging a pangenome reference​. (17 Sept 2024)
  • The NIH Aging and AD/ADRD Omics Data Resources: A Path to Interoperability, Computing beyond the shining sea. (12 July 2024)
  • FAIR Data Symposium @ BioIT: Building on a FAIRly Strong Foundation to Connect Academic Research to Translational Impact (15 April 2024)
  • Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) meeting: Analyzing HTAN data in the Cancer Genomics Cloud, Durham, NC (2 Nov 2022)
  • BioIT World: FAIR Hackathon: Intro, Boston, MA (4 May 2022)
  • NIH ODSS Data Science Town Hall: Data Integration within the NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability (NCPI) Effort, Virtual (28 April 2022)
  • CFDE Council of Councils meeting: Cloud credits & using them on CAVATICA, Virtual (14 Oct 2021, with Adam Resnick)
  • NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability (NCPI) effort, Demo of interop between four ecosystems, (27 July 2021)
  • Festival of Genomics, Reducing pediatric cancer to zero, (Jan 26, 2021)
  • Australian BioCommons, Harmonised analysis of childhood cancer data across international borders, (Jan 21, 2021)
  • CI4CC: Australian BioCommons ZERO Childhood Cancer Flagship, Virtual (8 Oct 2020)
  • CI4CC: Human Learning: Training the next generation of data scientists & informaticians to leverage massive cloud data ecosystems, Napa, CA (19 Oct 2019)
  • International Lymphoma Epidemiology Conference: Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) for NGS studies, (June 26, 2019)
  • BioIT World: Microsatellite Instability & Tumor Heterogeneity, Boston, MA (17 May 2018)
  • BioIT World: Graph Genome Tools for Precision Medicine (Talk) Boston MA (May 24 2017)
  • University of Florida Computational Neural Engineering Seminar: Vestibular prosthetics to restore the 6th sense (Invited talk) Gainesville, Florida (Feb 13, 2015)
  • University of Florida Biomedical Engineering Dept: Restoring cortical control of locomotion after spinal cord injury in rats (Invited talk) Gainesville, Florida (Feb 11, 2015)
  • Human Cyber Physical Systems Interaction Conference: Brain-spinal interfaces to augment locomotion after spinal cord injury (Invited talk) Paris, France (Sept 22, 2014)
  • Brain-Mind Institute Days: Cortical intervention in locomotion: not necessary but efficient? (Talk) Villars, Switzerland (June 20, 2013)
  • HYCON2-AD3 on Medical and Biological Systems: Reconnecting and controlling the spinal cord: a brain-spinal interface (Invited Keynote) Paris, France (June 5, 2013)
  • DYSCO ‘Study Day’: Modulating the brain to move machines (Invited Keynote) Mons, Belgium (May 24, 2013)
  • Leuven.Inc: Connecting to the brain – ‘A Mind Machine Interface’: Restoring lost connections with a brain-spinal interface
    (Invited talk) Leuven, Belgium (April 24, 2013)
  • Center for Neuroprosthetics Retreat: The Brains Behind Locomotion (Talk) Chexbres, Switzerland (October 6, 2012)
  • IEEE EMBC NER: Recording Vestibular Evoked Potentials Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Horizontal Semicircular Canal in Guinea Pig (Invited Session) Cancun, Mexico (April 28, 2011)